Thursday, March 27, 2008


Now that I've entered the Post - Bar waiting world, I am trying to catch up on things that I've let slide for about, well, 4 years since I started law school. Since it is spring, I've been trying to do some serious spring cleaning. I must admit, I can be a messy person. I'm not dirty, in fact, I'm very clean. But I am HORRIBLE at putting things back where they belong, especially if I am tired or stressed, which explains how my apartment got to this condition during the hell of law school.

At the same time, I've been reading about Feng Shui and how to decorate your home accordingly (more on that in a later post). So my first step in Feng Shui was to declutter my home by throwing away anything I didn't need or love, including old keepsakes and such. The key is to get rid of the old and bring new energy to the home.

Fast forward a week since I started and I am sitting in an apartment that looks like a department store after an earthquake. I AM SO BAD at cleaning one area before moving to another. It's weird because I am not like this in school or work but when it comes to cleaning I can't finish a task at a time. So I have about 10 areas of unfinished tasks.

The good news is I have now thrown away.....(drum roll please)....14 backs of papers, kitchen appliances, knick knacks, keepsakes, etc. and I am nowhere near being done.

I just wish I could stick to a cleaning task when I get to a point of frustration... ::sigh::

PS: I know that was a boring post, but life post bar exam is what it is.

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