Tuesday, March 4, 2008


i have bad day

Apparently it's not enough to have to go through one of the hardest endeavors someone could go through (the CA bar exam) and at the same time feel that you had much less support than you did the first time, but it's worse when you try to take a couple days to recover and the universe just poops all over you.

Let's begin at the beginning:

Weekend was ok, tried to tie up some lose ends and run errands that I've been neglecting. Sunday was spent with my family trying to work on the family magazine since it had to be put to press by Monday then going to a late dinner with my family for my sister's 17th b-day. This made me feel really old, I could have sworn I turned 17 yesterday! Then I had to drive home at 11 pm in the worst wind shaking my car. Whatever. I made it.

But the weekend sucked because I'm having some serious withdrawal problems from all the caffeine I had during the bar. I've been trying to stick to one large coffee now but during those three days I was having only a couple hours sleep, drinking a rockstar in the morning, taking two no doze for morning session, two more during afternoon session, two more in the evening with a rockstar to be able to study. So clearly I am having much less caffeine these days! This has resulted with severe sleepiness at all times, crankiness and blinding migraines. Whatever, I will get through.

Then today was a doozie. First I realized I gained 10 pounds in two weeks from the bar! Fabulous. Then me and the boyfriend got into a blowout fight. Wonderful. Then Obama didn't do well in the primaries. Spectactular.

THEN, my friend Cyrano walked out to go home to realize that both of our cars had been towed from behind my house! To make a long story short, the car was illegally towed, the guy called me a bitch, and the tow people had been smoking weed in the tow office. We paid for our cars, called LAPD and had a narcotics car sent out there and tomorrow we will file against them in small claims court. We have a win-win case so it's all good.

But I mean, it's been a shitty day. F-it. And now I have heartburn and another migraine. Man, what a bad week.


Yahpee said...

Why do you feel like you had less support than the first time?

I can't believe they towed your cars! What ass holes!!

Serves them right to tow a bunch of lawyers!!! LOL

Hope you feel better love.

You need to compensate for the caffeine by over hydrating. WATER WATER WATER.

I promise you that if you can devote 30 mins to cardio for 14 days -the withdrawal symptoms will be gone.

I just read a study on that... very effective- I'll forward it on.

I miss my friend.

So are we seeing each
other this weekend or what?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this helps put your bad day in perspective, but I found out 12 days before the exam that my husband of almost 9 years has been cheating on me. Since that moment, I find breathing difficult to do. I hardly remember the exam. There is nothing in my world that resembles the day before I found out.