Thursday, March 27, 2008


Now that I've entered the Post - Bar waiting world, I am trying to catch up on things that I've let slide for about, well, 4 years since I started law school. Since it is spring, I've been trying to do some serious spring cleaning. I must admit, I can be a messy person. I'm not dirty, in fact, I'm very clean. But I am HORRIBLE at putting things back where they belong, especially if I am tired or stressed, which explains how my apartment got to this condition during the hell of law school.

At the same time, I've been reading about Feng Shui and how to decorate your home accordingly (more on that in a later post). So my first step in Feng Shui was to declutter my home by throwing away anything I didn't need or love, including old keepsakes and such. The key is to get rid of the old and bring new energy to the home.

Fast forward a week since I started and I am sitting in an apartment that looks like a department store after an earthquake. I AM SO BAD at cleaning one area before moving to another. It's weird because I am not like this in school or work but when it comes to cleaning I can't finish a task at a time. So I have about 10 areas of unfinished tasks.

The good news is I have now thrown away.....(drum roll please)....14 backs of papers, kitchen appliances, knick knacks, keepsakes, etc. and I am nowhere near being done.

I just wish I could stick to a cleaning task when I get to a point of frustration... ::sigh::

PS: I know that was a boring post, but life post bar exam is what it is.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I hate March. Really I do. First of all, I love winter, and cloudy skies and rainy weather. Spring and the allergies it brings not so much.

Second of all, its such a juggling act for me. Not only is it persian new year, which is a month long event which requires visiting everyone you know then having all of them turn around and come over and visit you. On top of that, everyone I seem to know has a b-day in March, most especially this week. This week it is my friend T-Perry's bday, my grandma's bday, my dad's bday and my BFF Shabnam's bday. On top of that , my friend Cyrano is also having a show that I would really like to go to this weekend. So every year I face the same dilemma: where do I go? Everyone always wants to celebrate on the weekend but clearly I can't be in 6 places at the same time. Of course, family takes precedent since they are most important but once family takes precedent, that pretty much takes up my weekend.

::Sigh:: Every march I feel like I let someone down and it sucks cuz inevitably I miss out on some festivity or another. On top of all that, I've been kind of a hermit, just licking the bar exam wounds and try to adjust to life after the bar and as other bar takers know, it's like adjusting when you've come home from war. ::sigh again:: this has been a rough week.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Recently I have had two great product experiences: The first one is something I have owned for a long time but never had time to use it: The Williams-Sonoma Kitchen Companion is amazing for both people who are kitchen savvy or beginners. It literally has every single kitchen ingredient you could ever think of and lists information such as how to select, how to prepare, what to use it for, etc. It also has every kitchen technique, such as boiling, blanching, braising, etc and how to do it. It's amazing!! Check out amazon and get yourself a cheap copy!!! Or check it out here:

Product number 2 is a new one that I've wanted to try for a long time: The Neti Pot
I'm a long time allergy sufferer and I bought this a couple days ago from Whole foods and after using it ONLY ONCE I have been allergy pill free for 6 days after 13 years of taking allergy pills every day!!! Just mix some salt and warm water and presto! It's also awesome! Check it out also on amazon:

Hope these products are as good for your life as they have been for mine!!


Better late than never right?

I know it's a bit delayed, but I feel like I should still do a bar exam wrap-up since all the other bloggers did and for my own sense of closure.

So this time I promised myself no studying during the 3 days and no panicking. On the way to Ontario, I modified the promise to no studying after midnight and no panicking. The only promise I kept was no panicking.

We get there on Monday and first of all let me say that the hotel hooked it up. Gave me a poolside room like I requested and put in the foam and feather pillows that I asked for. Fabulous.

Payam and Cyrano went to the bar downstairs to play pool and as much as I wanted to resist studying, I couldn't. I went down to the bar, had a large drink and went upstairs and hit the books. Went to sleep at 1 am (screw the midnight rule) and woke up at 5 am to study some more.

Day 1 (morning):
Ok, torts was unexpected but oh well, it was negligence and strict liability, no sweat. If after 3 years of law school and 2 bar exams, you can't spit out some negligence, well I don't know what to tell ya.

Professional responsibility was expected so I was super prepared for it. BUT, even though I had memorized all the CA distinctions, of course they had to ask the ones where the distinctions were less clear and harder to memorize. Oh well. It was ok.

Murder/Crim Pro: This was a cheap shot. Most people I talked to neglected this topic because (1) its generally easy to answer on the MBE and (2) it wasn't expected on the essay. I was one of these people. This essay took a lot of BSing on my part, I don't think I did well on the murder portion but I was pull some crap out for crim pro. The good thing is most people score lower on the last essay just b/c none of us actually keep an hour for it!

Day 1 Afternoon: OK THIS PERFORMANCE EXAM SUCKED!! Nothing about the assignment was hard, but for some reason the cases and the statutes didn't lend to a logical organization and the only thing that made sense was the last call of question which you didn't have enough time for because you spent the first 2 and a half hours pulling out your hair and crying into your laptop.

Day 2: MBE

Simple and to the point, sucked that they didn't ask any of the big stuff. Didn't fall asleep this time for longer than 4 questions. Whatever.

Day 3 Morning:

Trusts: I was afraid of trust but I think I did well on this one. I basically mentioned everything in trusts and either applied or dismissed. Sweet sweet deal.

Community Property: The same thing as Crim above. Didn't really study it, was able to miraculously remember Putative Spouse Doctrine. It was jacked that they only asked about bank accounts and I kept getting the accounts screwed up in my head.

Biz Orgs/agency/Prof Resp: Lot of issues and not a lot of time. So basically I put in a few key terms and hoped that they do some checkmark grading on that one.

So that's the rundown. Hopefully it went better this time!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


i have bad day

Apparently it's not enough to have to go through one of the hardest endeavors someone could go through (the CA bar exam) and at the same time feel that you had much less support than you did the first time, but it's worse when you try to take a couple days to recover and the universe just poops all over you.

Let's begin at the beginning:

Weekend was ok, tried to tie up some lose ends and run errands that I've been neglecting. Sunday was spent with my family trying to work on the family magazine since it had to be put to press by Monday then going to a late dinner with my family for my sister's 17th b-day. This made me feel really old, I could have sworn I turned 17 yesterday! Then I had to drive home at 11 pm in the worst wind shaking my car. Whatever. I made it.

But the weekend sucked because I'm having some serious withdrawal problems from all the caffeine I had during the bar. I've been trying to stick to one large coffee now but during those three days I was having only a couple hours sleep, drinking a rockstar in the morning, taking two no doze for morning session, two more during afternoon session, two more in the evening with a rockstar to be able to study. So clearly I am having much less caffeine these days! This has resulted with severe sleepiness at all times, crankiness and blinding migraines. Whatever, I will get through.

Then today was a doozie. First I realized I gained 10 pounds in two weeks from the bar! Fabulous. Then me and the boyfriend got into a blowout fight. Wonderful. Then Obama didn't do well in the primaries. Spectactular.

THEN, my friend Cyrano walked out to go home to realize that both of our cars had been towed from behind my house! To make a long story short, the car was illegally towed, the guy called me a bitch, and the tow people had been smoking weed in the tow office. We paid for our cars, called LAPD and had a narcotics car sent out there and tomorrow we will file against them in small claims court. We have a win-win case so it's all good.

But I mean, it's been a shitty day. F-it. And now I have heartburn and another migraine. Man, what a bad week.