You Know You're Studying for the Bar:
- When the answer to every question someone asks you sounds something like this:
- I can't...I'm studying for the bar
- I don't care....I'm studying for the bar
- Do it yourself....I'm studying for the bar
- Cry me a river....I'm studying for the bar
- You don't have it as tough as me....I'm studying for the bar
- Do this for me...I'm studying for the bar
- Sorry I punched you in the face...I'm studying for the bar
- When your average everyday grocery run consists of the following:
- Energy drinks (only 24oz and above)
- Coffee
- No Doze
- Vitamins
- Unisom
- Alcohol
- Junk Food
- Kleenex for your tears
- When you go to 7-11 to get coffee and energy drinks and use the double shot espresso additives to your truckers coffee and the man asks you how many days you plan to stay up and you blink in surprise and say "this is just for the next couple hours"
- When everyone you see, including the starbucks barrista, the mcdonalds drive thru dude and the pharmacist knows you are studying for the bar
- When people who don't know keep asking you if you're sick cuz you look pale
- When you have to buy more clothes b/c you don't have time to do laundry
- When you hate listening to other people's supposed problems while meanwhile you're thinking "Try studying for the bar!"
- When you are so excited when you need to pee because it's a nice break
- When you run out of sweatpants that will accommodate your increasing pant size
- When your friends put you on suicide watch
- When you keep wondering if you should have gone to medical school or in the alternative, become a go-go dancer
- When you no longer know the date or day of the week or the time and you couldn't care less
- When you have more zits than when you were 13
- When you use the words "disaster", "tragedy", "impossible" and "suicide" more often than any other time in your life, lol
- When you get mad when people tell you it will be alright b/c they don't realize that the damage to your spirit has already been irreversibly done
- When your 2 eyebrows have joined as one
- When you play the "what would you do for an automatic pass?" game with your friends and realize more of you are willing to eat large quantities of cockroach covered poop than you realized
That's my list! Feel free to add on!
when not even good sex and make u happy for more than 2 minutes afterwards... cuz u go back to worrying about the exam
Haha. I'm with you on the pee breaks and unibrow. I get ALL excited that I have a valid reason to get up! Of course, my pee break turns into all sorts of other things I "must do," like fluff pillows, wipe the kitchen counter, oh - what's that? A dust ball on the floor, better break out the dustbuster.
It's so sad really. The other day I was so excited cuz I got a headache and it mean I could take a break to go get some migraine medication and lay down in a dark room with my eyes closed.
Wow, life is bad.
It's been a while since anyone posted here, but today I actually cleaned my kitchen floor tile by tile with glass cleaner. It was so much better than bar study. Of course the entire time I could thing of nothing else.
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