Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy Happy Joy Joy

This post in particular is for my friend Chuki, who said that my blog was so depressing, she had to call me and make sure I was still alive and kickin, lol. Thanks Chooks for reminding me of my silver linings and for being concerned!

So, with that said, I decided to list a few little seemingly inconsequential things that make me happy, in no particular order, just so I can remind myself these days:

-My coffee being ready before I get out of bed (or at least a cold Diet Rockstar in the fridge)
-Laughing out loud with friends
-Having a full water bottle in every room of the house (I drink a lot of water)
-Soup on cold days
-My bed being made (which never happens!)
-Blogging :)
-Shopping (for anything)
-Hookah (especially with good friends)
-Watching the new kitten chase things in her dreams
-Waking up, looking at the clock, and realizing I still have an hour before my alarm
-Unexpected kisses
-My ipod always being charged and ready to go
-My dining table being cleared off
-Playing computer games
-Dissing on Republicans and how they live off of a world of lies that people buy into
-Winning arguments
-Remembering to take my vitamins
-Dance Dance Revolution!
-Watching msnbc all day
-Soap Operas!
-Finding that song that says exactly how you're feeling right then!

Oh and speaking of happy thoughts, I lost 11 pounds in the last two weeks! Bar exam stress is apparently good for


Yahpee said...

I don't see a mention of kitty here. =(

Poor kitty.

Yahpee said...

Just kidding .. just re read it. My bad.