Monday, December 17, 2007

Couch Potato

Ok, so I have a confession. I have officially turned into the world's laziest person BY FAR. I have so much to do, like study for the bar or clean my house or do the laundry or go workout or wash my car or transfer files from old laptop into my new one, or return the library book that is two months overdue, etc, etc, etc. And everyday I say to myself, "ok, today you are going to be productive" and at the end of the night it seems like all I've accomplished is checking my email about 3000 times and maybe, just maybe, I've run an errand or two. And it seems to be nearly impossible to get myself motivated these days. This just isn't me. I'm productive by nature. I would have flunked law school otherwise.

So what gives? Why am I so captivated by old reruns of shows I've seen a million times that I can't seem to get off my ass and do anything? Then, even if I do decide to get up and do something, I'm over it in 2 minutes and back in front of the tv I go.

Ugh, I hate this and I can't seem to break this lazy cycle.

At least I posted this blog entry. I guess that was semi-productive.

Friday, December 14, 2007


Although most of the people who will read this blog know me well, I thought I would introduce myself in case this blog reaches corners of the internet universe that exceed my expectations. My name is Golnoush, I'm a 25 year old Iranian girl who has been living in the states since the age of four. I recently graduated law school and failed the CA bar on my first attempt. This blog will be my adventures of (hopefully) passing the bar and starting my dream career. All of this while still staying true to the over opinionated, bossy, shopaholic, funny, loudmouth girly girl that makes me, well, me. So, strap on your seat belts and join the ride. Please leave comments if you wish, it will be nice to know I'm not just talking to myself.